Get Advice About Mental Health, Conflicts, or Decision-Making


Anyone who is at least eighteen years old can submit a question through Dear Dan.


You will get a private response to your question from our founder, Dan Berstein.  
It may also be anonymously shared on our Dear Dan podcast.

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and listen to the episodes below.


Submit your question by e-mailing
with subject: “Dear Dan”


You can also your question through your computer’s microphone, directly on this website, via the SpeakPipe app
(speak for up to 90 seconds):



Past Episodes



Should I Disclose?

Should I tell people about my mental health history?




Finding Mental Health Providers

Can you help me find a mental health referral?




Planning to Be Impartial

Why do we assume mediators have biases and how do we know trainings can help manage them?



Engaging Someone Who Isn’t Receptive

How can you have a mental health conversation with someone who is not receptive?



Disagreeing About Mental Illness

What do you do when the person you’re talking with does not agree they have a mental illness?
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